thoughts on phpspec

As I’ve recently been poked whether I had used phpspec and I had to negate, today I finally gave it a try (doing the Bowling Kata) … phpspec has some class and method templating built into it. If for example a test fails due to a missing function, it asks whether it should create one (that does nothing at all). This is nice but IMHO breaks the workflow a bit as you have to move the cursor to the terminal window and answer the question....

Planted: Mar 24, 2016 · 2 min

phpspec screencast

After @sD_Tobi recently poked me whether I knew phpspec, … and initially I had no idea except for having heard of it … I found this excellent screencast on to get a first impression. It’s just 17 minutes and he’s really enthusiastic about it :-)

Planted: Mar 23, 2016 · 1 min