Pig Latin Kata

Yesterday I ran the Pig Latin kata at the local software craftsmenship meetup in Nuremberg. Picking Pig Latin as the kata to do was more a coincidence than planned, but it turned out to be an interesting choice. So what I’ve prepared were four user stories (from which we only tackeled two; one team did three), going like this: (if you’d like to do the kata refrain from reading ahead and do one story after another)...

Planted: Aug 5, 2016 · 3 min

Happy & Lucky Numbers

The other day I paired with the guys from @solutiondrive and @niklas_heer, we had a fun evening learing about happy numbers, shared PhpStorm knowledge, tried Codeception etc. Actually we didn’t even finish the “Happy Numbers” Kata, since we only wrote the classifying routine, not the loop generating the output. On my way home I kept googling and also found out about Lucky Numbers. Lucky numbers are natural numbers, recursively filtered by a sieve that eliminates numbers based on their position (where the second number tells the elimination offsets)....

Planted: Mar 10, 2016 · 2 min