Today I noticed, that invocations of V8Function objects have a really poor call performance. A simple example might be:

$v8 = new V8Js();
$func = $v8->executeString('(function() { print("Hello\\n"); });');

for($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i ++) {

… on my laptop this takes 2.466 seconds (with latest V8Js 0.2.1); older versions like V8Js 0.1.5 even take 80 seconds.

That felt strange, since V8Js performance generally is pretty good and the slightly changed version

$v8 = new V8Js();
for($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i ++) {
  $v8->executeString('(function() { print("Hello World\\n"); })();');

… has drastically better performance figures, just 0.168 seconds with recent V8Js and 0.247 seconds with ancient 0.1.5.

So there clearly is something going wrong.

My pull request #159 shows the solution, V8Js was re-using cached v8::Context on subsequent executeString calls but kept creating new v8::Context instances for V8Function invocations. With the patch applied the first example now passes in 0.135 seconds, which is slightly better than the executeString performance (as expected).

After that huge improvement I released V8Js version 0.2.2, which also ships some memory leaks and errors mainly related to require() functionality.